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Events API

Get an event

GET /event/:prokey

Reading an event does not allow for any additional parameters. It only takes the proKey in the request url and simply provides you with all data for a specific event.

Potential response

        "status": "published",
        "dates": [
                "name": "Date 1",
                "startDate": "2024-11-14",
                "endDate": null,
                "timeZone": "Europe/Berlin",
                "organizer_name": "",
                "organizer_email": "",
                "description": "<p>A short description.</p>",
                "location": "Nowhere"
                "name": "Date 2",
                "startDate": "2024-11-15",
                "endDate": null,
                "timeZone": "Europe/Berlin",
                "organizer_name": "",
                "organizer_email": ""
        "title_event_series": "Dummy Event Series",
        "simplified_recurrence": true,
        "recurrence": null,
        "recurrence_interval": null,
        "recurrence_count": null,
        "recurrence_byDay": null,
        "recurrence_byMonthDay": null,
        "recurrence_byMonth": null,
        "recurrence_weekstart": null,
        "recurrence_simple_type": null,
        "layout": null,
        "iCalFileName": null,
        "rsvp": false,
        "rsvp_block": null,
        "cta": true,
        "cta_block": 74,
        "hideButton": false,
        "distribution": true,
        "sequence": "10",
        "date_created": "2024-11-01T12:57:25.983Z",
        "date_updated": "2024-11-02T18:20:56.152Z",
        "event_group": {
            "prokey": "803a96ac-aaaa-2222-bbbb-6fb191041543"

Add an event

POST /event

Creating a new event requires you to at least provide the following fields in the body:

    "event_group": "prokey-of-event-group", // gets returned as "id", when creating a group; also visible in the application
    "dates": [{
        "name": "Title of the date",
        "startDate": "2024-12-24",
        "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" // not required, but highly recommended

Instead of event_group, you can also use new_event_group_name, which takes a string. This will create a new group with the provided name instead of linking the event to an existing one.

Going further, you can add more dates to the array (= multi-date event).


Mind limitations, like recurrence not allowing for multiple dates, etc.

We recommend to create a potential setup in the application first, before building it via the API.

Additionally, the API does not allow to set the status of an event - it will always be published on creation.

Potential request with all fields

    "event_group": "prokey-of-event-group",
    "dates": [{
        "name": "Title of the date",
        "description": "<p>An event description</p>", // allowing for <p>, <strong>, <em>, <u>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <a>
        "startDate": "2024-12-24",
        "startTime": "14:45",
        "endDate": "2024-12-24",
        "endTime": "16:15",
        "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "location": "World Wide Web",
        "status": "CONFIRMED", // or "TENTATIVE" or "CANCELLED"
        "availability": "free", // or "busy"
        "organizer_name": "Jack",
        "organizer_email": "[email protected]",
        "attendee_name": "Santa",
        "attendee_email": "[email protected]"
    "title_event_series": "Title for an event series if >1 date",
    "simplified_recurrence": true, // set false, if you go for the "recurrence" field, which takes an RRULE; and true if you use the other recurrence fields
    "recurrence": "RRULE:...",
    "recurrence_simple_type": "daily", // or: "weekly", "monthly", "yearly",
    "recurrence_interval": 1,
    "recurrence_byDay": "2MO,TU", // example for the second Monday and each Tuesday
    "recurrence_byMonth": "1,2,12", // example for Jan, Feb, and Dec
    "recurrence_byMonthDay": "3,23", // example for the 3rd and 23rd day of the month
    "recurrence_count": 10, // example: repeat 10 times
    "recurrence_weekstart": "MO", // example for Monday
    "layout": "id-of-a-style-template", // take the id from the url in the application
    "iCalFileName": "overriding the ics file name",
    "rsvp": true,
    "rsvp_block": "id-of-an-rsvp-block", // take the id from the url in the application or the response when creating an rsvp block via API
    "cta": true,
    "cta_block": "id-of-a-cta-block", // take the id from the url in the application
    "hideButton": false,
    "distribution": true,

Potential response

    "success": "Created",
    "id": "99ec3e7f-ef04-bbbb-a3d7-e30736faaaaa"

The id from a successful creation is the proKey of your new event.

You can use this for further processing and several additional measures:

  • We automatically set up a landingpage you can use. Its url would be
  • In most cases, we auto-create an ics file for you. You can download it from Mind the specialties here:
    • We are not able to generate a file, if you are using dynamic dates like "today+4" (you can still use the link option for "ical" below);
    • We are not able to generate a file for RSVP forms - here, we generate them dynamically for each attendee and send personalized ones within the confirmation emails;
    • In case there are multiple dates to an event, as well as an organizer set, there would be multiple ics files. The first one follows the logic above, while subsequent ones get an ascending number added (example: event-2.ics);
    • In case you set a custom ics file name, you would need to replace "event" with your custom name.
  • For non-RSVP events, you can use the following link scheme for direct links (like within emails): CalendarType options would be: ical, apple, google, ms365, outlookcom, msteams, yahoo.

Update an event

PATCH /event/:prokey

Updating an event follows the same rules as creating one.

The only important difference: The event_group field is not allowed.


Mind the further lmitations, also present on creation via API.

For the status, mind that if an event gets set to draft on the application UI, you cannot publish it via API!

For every 5th update, we also deduct 1 event credit to prevent abuse!

Delete an event

DELETE /event/:prokey

Deleting an event is simple. Only provide the prokey and it gets removed.

Be careful with this call!