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Groups API

Get a group

GET /group/:prokey

Reading a group does not allow for any additional parameters. It only takes the proKey in the request url and simply provides you with all data for a specific element.

The response holds more fields than you might expect, as a group can be combined with a calendar subscription and therefore with a style and cta template.

Potential response

        "name": "My events",
        "status": "published",
        "internal_note": null,
        "subscription": "no",
        "subscription_cal_url": null,
        "layout": null,
        "cta": false,
        "cta_block": null,
        "date_updated": "2023-11-24T15:05:14.079Z",
        "date_created": "2023-11-24T15:05:13.007Z",
        "events": [
                "prokey": [
                    "31a17cce-bbbb-4ee3-99bb-6144c6a3aaaa" // mind that the prokey is part of an array, even it can only always be 1 per event
                "prokey": [

Add a group

POST /group

Creating a new group requires you to at least provide the "name" field in the body.

    "name": "Name of the Event Group", // usually only internal, but can also appear publicly, if you use the subscription functionality!

Potential request with all fields

Mind that you cannot add events on group creation. You can only link events to a group when creating a new event!

    "name": "Name of the Event Group",
    "internal_note": null, // an optional simple string
    "subscription": "no", // can be "no" or "external" - the latter one requires a subscription_cal_url
    "subscription_cal_url": null, // url to an external calendar. Needs to start with "http"! Usually ends with ".ics"
    "layout": "id-of-a-style-template", // take the id from the url in the application
    "cta": true,
    "cta_block": "id-of-a-cta-block", // take the id from the url in the application

Potential response

    "success": "Created",
    "id": "99ec3e7f-ef04-bbbb-a3d7-e30736faaaaa"

The id from a successful creation is the proKey of the new group.

You can use this for further processing (incl. creating events within this group).

Update a group

PATCH /group/:prokey

Updating a group follows the same rules as creating one.


You can only change the subscription setting as long as there are no events linked to the group!

For the status, mind that if a group gets set to draft on the application UI, you cannot publish it via API!

For every 5th update, we also deduct 1 event credit to prevent abuse!

Delete a group

DELETE /group/:prokey

Deleting a group is simple. Only provide the prokey and it (incl. all linked events) gets removed.

Be careful with this call!